Depends on the treatment of choice. Please read the details of the given treatment to see if the price includes accessories (disposable swimwear, flip-flops, towel) or not. If not, please bring your own towels, swimwear, and flip-flops. You can buy all of the aforementioned accessories for PLN 12/set.

Yes, please come to the Spa 15 minutes before the treatment. You will need this time to change and prepare yourself.

Yes, children aged 3 and up can take the baths together with their parents. The price per child is PLN 50, which you will pay on location. Children also get a sweet snack during the treatment. If you are planning on brining children, please notify the Spa receptionists in the reservation comments section or contact the reception desk directly.

You can, as long as you do not partake in the alcoholic beverage tasting session.

Yes, we require a payment to confirm the reservation. If you are making a reservation online, you can pay right away during the process or at a later time by clicking on the link sent to the provided e-mail address. If your reservation is not paid within 3 hours, it is automatically cancelled.

Rezerwację można anulować klikając w odpowiedni link przesłany na mail, lub kontaktując się z nami telefonicznie.

If you cancel your visit to the Beer Spa, the Spa:
a) returns 100% of the treatment price if you cancel your visit no later than 7 days before the planned treatment.
b) returns 30% of the treatment price if you cancel your visit within 7 days before the planned treatment.
c) does not return the treatment price if you cancel your visit within 24 hours before the planned treatment.

You can reschedule your reservation at the Beer Spa
no later than 24 hours before the planned visit without any extra charges.
You cannot reschedule your reservation within 24 hours before the planned visit.
The new treatment date cannot be cancelled.
W celu zmiany rezerwacji prosimy o kontakt telefoniczny, postaramy się znaleźć nowy najbardziej odpowiedni termin.

Yes. Please see the section for more details FOR GROUPS

Yes. Please see the section for more details VOUCHER

Bathing in our Spa is open to pregnant women in the second and third trimester. It is not recommended in the first trimester due to the risk of miscarriage. The only thing preventing you from enjoying the bath is if your pregnancy is threatened (the bath could induce contractions and premature birth) or if you are suffering from recurring infections of the reproductive organs. A future mom should bathe in optimal temperature of 37-38˚C. For her convenience, we recommend two stages of bath: 10 minutes in bath followed by a 10-minute rest on the straw bed and return to the bath for another 10 minutes to keep from burdening the organism with the warm bath and a sense of fatigue.

Menstruation is not a problem. We recommend that you arrange your visit on the third day of menstruation to keep from overstimulation of the circulatory system in the early days. You can prepare for the bath in the same way as for a swimming pool with appropriate protection.



viral diseases with increased body temperature


open wounds, fresh fractures, dislocations, sprains

If you have any additional questions about the Beer Spa, feel free to skontaktuj się z namand. We will be glad to adjust to your needs and will do our best to make your visit at the Beer Spa a special experience.

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