VIP bath

atrakcje krakow piwne spa

VIP bath

  • Sauna session
  • Beer or wine bath
  • Unlimited beer or wine tasting session 
  • Leisure on straw
  • Time: 1h 15 min
  • Accessories: free towels, disposable swimwear, flip-flops

Exceptional relaxation. A hot sauna, a nourishing bath in a wooden tub, and finally an idyllic regeneration on a bed lined with straw. For the preparation of the baths, care preparations dissolved in water are used: natural beer, wine extraction, giving excellent results in skin care (see more benefits) (see more benefits)The entire ritual is accompanied by unlimited tasting.

*Baths take place in wooden double bathtubs.


  • 320 PLN / 1 pers.
  • 450 PLN / 2 people
  • 690 PLN / 3 people
  • 810 PLN / 4 people
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