Relaxing Partial Body Massage

Masaż relaksacyjny częściowy


  • Sauna session 10 min 
  • Partial relaxation body massage 20 min

A choice of either upper or lower body massage. Supports metabolism, stimulates muscles and circulation. A session in our infrared sauna, where temperatures can reach a maximum of 60ºC*, sets the stage for the relaxing massage to come. Infrared rays generate heat which warms up subcutaneous fatty tissue, muscles as well as other organs. A session in this sauna will relax your muscles and prepare your body for the massage.


  • 140 PLN / 1 pers.
  • 280 PLN / 2 people

We also have a range of other massage treatments as well as Day Spa packages (spa + massage).

* Infrared rays generate heat which warms up subcutaneous fatty tissue, muscles as well as other organs.

** We try to have massages for two people at the same time. However, there may be times during the week when massages will take place separately.

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