kapiel winna krakow atrakcje


  • Wine bath
  • Wine tasting: glass/person
  • Leisure on a sofa for two and a straw bed for a larger group 
  • Accessories: n/a*
  • 1 hour

The wine bath is prepared using wine extracts in the form of a bath foam dissolved in water. The treatment counteracts the effects of skin ageing and is ideal for the reduction of fat tissue and cellulite (see more benefits).The bath is accompanied by a unique atmosphere, candlelight and, of course, wine tasting. 

*Baths take place in wooden double bathtubs.

*Please bring your own towels, swimwear, and flip-flops (you can also buy/rent all of the above on location for the price of PLN 16/person).


  • 220 PLN / 1 pers.
  • 320 PLN / 2 people
  • 490 PLN / 3 people
  • 580 PLN / 4 people
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