Things to do in Krakow during winter

It didn’t look like it was going to snow! But it did, and it transformed into a magical winter wonderland filled with stunning structures, quaint, lovely bars underground, and great friendly residents. Was it, in fact, chilly? Yes. The average temperature in Krakow during winter is between -5 and +5 Celsius degrees, which is perfect […]

What to do in Krakow when it rains

Krakow is a marvellous city at every time of year and in every weather. When the sun is shining you might wander through the picturesque, cobblestone streets. The rain, however, should not stop you from exploring either. If you have no idea what to do in Krakow when it rains, these suggestions might appeal to […]

Męski masaż Kraków

Chwila relaksu i wytchnienia należy się każdemu niezależnie od płci, dlatego coraz więcej salonów SPA ma w swojej ofercie zabiegi dedykowane Panom. Co powiesz na męski masaż w Krakowie? Koniecznie odwiedź Beernarium Piwne Spa, miejsce dla mężczyzn, którzy kochają piwo i relaks na najwyższym poziomie. Męskie zabiegi w Piwnym Spa Odwiedzanie Spa wielu osobom kojarzy […]

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